By the help of its imported products, our company accomplished to be a leading company in the sector by its understanding of high quality in products range, pre-sale inquiry, rigorous business approachment during and after the sale. As Interdekor seeks innovation, it has always been pursued closely by its competitors and the sector.
We especially present a wide range of laminates, HPL laminates, metal laminates, woodgrain laminates, compact laminates along with fire retardant laminates and Fenix nanotechnological products by our brands of ARPA, MERINO, MELATONE, YUSHIN; and also offer the most innovative and remarkable PVC foil used in membran and vacuum press for our customers.
Taking place in decoration projects with various products, Interdekor is also distributor of TABU a world leader company in natural veneers, dyed veneers and industrial veneers which are irreplaceable classics for furniture manufacturing. Additionally, it enriched its collection with INTEREST 3D panels.
Serving for more than 30 years in furniture sector, our company has a very deep information and experience in surface materials and extend its portfolio with the newest products day by day. Therefore, it’s been always eager to share its experience with the sector for its developing. Interdekor also demonstrated it by adding P.P.P. labelled open cell suspended ceilings and acrylic couture panels to its portfolio a short time ago.
Interdekor is proud of the brands that it incorporated and brought into Turkey and maintains its prestige among architecture, decoration and construction companies with its excellent service manner, exclusive dealer network and vast reference list.